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  A few items are in here that didn't really fit in the other literature categories.

Please excuse the low quality of some of the pictures.  I had to try to use fairly high compression to keep the size of this site under control. Please be helpful and send comments here.

1985 Capri Owner's Manual
The owner's manual found in the glove compartment.  I got this unused manual from an auto literature site. Came with a fold out operating guide, owner's manual, maintenance guide and paper envelope.

1985 Build Sheet.
This told workers how to build the car at the factory.  Blank Reproduction.

1985 Mustang Window Sticker
Has options and prices for a 1985 Mustang.  Got this from a really cool guy on eBay.  He worked really hard at getting it close to perfect.  The options and vin were made up by me just to see what this would look like.

Muscle Cars Sheet
Has info on the Capri 5.0L  Appears to be a sheet out of a series of notebook pages.

BigA Paint Chips
Paint chips/codes for all 1985 Ford/Lincoln/Mercury cars.  Contains Ford codes for exterior/interior/trim.  Some paint chips are semi gloss or flat on the left and gloss on the right.  Note:  Formula codes are NOT Ditzler codes.

Ditzler/PPG 1985 Ford Paint Charts

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asc McLaren and Fox Bodied Mercury Capri Cars